object Form11: TForm11 Left = 315 Top = 176 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'PowerPGP Documentation and History File' ClientHeight = 398 ClientWidth = 592 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object RichEdit1: TRichEdit Left = 0 Top = 4 Width = 589 Height = 361 Lines.Strings = ( 'PowerPGP 1.3x ' 'PGP Message Encryption Shell for Windows' '' '' '' 'Important!!! ' 'Read this entire document before using to understand exactly wha' + 't all the features do.' '' '' '' 'First - The Legal Stuff:' 'THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS ARE DISTRIBUTED "AS IS"' + ' WITHOUT WARRANTY, ' 'EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY ' + 'IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ' 'MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVEN' + 'T SHALL ANYONE INVOLVED ' 'WITH THE CREATION AND PRODUCTION OF THIS PRODUCT BE LIABLE FOR I' + 'NDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR ' 'CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE THEREOF OR BREACH ' + 'OF ANY' 'WARRANTY. THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED NOT SOLD. YOU DO NOT OWN TH' + 'E SOFTWARE AND YOU ARE ' 'NOT ALLOWED TO DECOMPILE OR DISASSEMBLE THIS SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY' + '.' '' 'Requirements:' 'The DOS PGP program must be PROPERLY installed before PowerPGP!!' + '!' 'Windows 95 or Windows 3.1X running enhanced mode' '386DX+ CPU (486 or better recommended)' '4 MB RAM (Required for Windows to Run Enhanced mode halfway effi' + 'ciently) ' '8 MB RAM recommended' '' 'Required Files:' 'POWERPGP.EXE - The executable program itself. (Put in Any direct' + 'ory you like)' '' 'PGPUSR.EXE - A DOS executable creates a list of users in your Pu' + 'bring.PGP file for PoerPGP to use. (Put in the same ' 'directory as your PGP.EXE program)' '' 'POWERPGP.RTF - This document' '' 'FILE_ID.DIZ - BBS Description file' '' 'J_FEENIN.PGP - My Public Keys to import into your public keyring' + ' so you can encrypt mail to me.' '' 'PGPW.HLP - Help File Documentation for DOS PGP Written by Jeff S' + 'heets. Put in your PGP directory.' '' 'What is PowerPGP? - PowerPGP is simply a shell program for the ' + 'DOS based FREEWARE PGP Program. You must ' 'have the PGP program installed prior to running PowerPGP or it w' + 'ill do nothing. PowerPGP was designed to make ' 'writing and Encrypting E-mail messages E-mail messages simple an' + 'd easy in Windows. It is designed mainly towards ' 'that end although it can also encrypt files as well. This file ' + 'will cover the basics of PowerPGP operation, it will not go ' 'into detail on how to use PGP itself. PGP has it'#39's own very wel' + 'l put together set of documentation that you should have ' 'already read and if you haven'#39't go do it now. Also it should be' + ' noted that there are many more advanced options to ' 'PGP that are not supported in the shell. The idea was to keep i' + 't simple and easy to use so I did not put in options that I ' 'myself would not use on a regular basis. PowerPGP will encrypt ' + 'and decrypt messages for any internet mail program or ' 'any Windows based BBS program because it uses the Windows Clipbo' + 'ard to cut and paste the info to and from the ' 'application.' '' '' 'Writing a message with PowerPGP. - To compose a message that yo' + 'u intend to encrypt with PowerPGP is simple. You ' 'simply type the message into the message window of PowerPGP and ' + 'enter the Public Key name of the user you intend ' 'to send it to in the "Public Key To Use" box of PowerPGP. When ' + 'you are done writing your message you select the ' 'encrypt option. PowerPGP will then write the file to a temp file' + ' and shell out to the DOS PGP program with the correct ' 'commands to encrypt it and then read the encrypted message back ' + 'into the message window. PowerPGP will then ' 'automatically delete the temp files it wrote. You now have an e' + 'ncrypted version of your message in the message ' 'window. You can then click on the "Cut" button and it will cut ' + 'the encrypted message to the clipboard. You then go to ' 'the message editor on your mail program and paste the encrypted ' + 'message into your compose message window, It ' 'sounds a lot worse than it really is. Also it should be noted t' + 'hat you MUST have the public key to the person you are ' 'sending the message to on your public keyring already. Once you' + ' encrypt a message to someone with their public key ' 'not even you can decrypt it, only they and their secret key can ' + 'decrypt it. For more information refer to the PGP ' 'documentation.' '' '' 'Decrypting a message with PowerPGP. - Similarly this is done wi' + 'th the clipboard. First make sure your message window ' 'in your mail reader is wide enough that none of the lines are wo' + 'rd-wrapped where they are not supposed to be. You will ' 'be able to tell trust me. Making sure the lines are all even th' + 'en select the entire message block including the BEGIN ' 'and END PGP message lines. PGP needs these to know when to start' + ' and stop decrypting, without them decryption will ' 'fail. After selecting the entire encrypted message copy it to th' + 'e clipboard with whatever command your mail reader uses, ' 'usually Ctrl-C in windows programs. Then go to the PowerPGP pro' + 'gram and select Paste. PowerPGP will automatically ' 'replace anything in your message window with the encrypted messa' + 'ge. You can now decrypt the message with the ' 'decrypt key. If the message was properly encoded with your publi' + 'c key by the person who sent it you will be able to read ' 'it after decoding if you do not have the secret key required to ' + 'decrypt the message decryption will fail. Once you read ' 'the message you can select the quote option and it will quote ou' + 't all the text so you can reply to the original message ' 'and follow the encrypt message options to encrypt a reply back t' + 'o them. Make sure you specify their public key for ' 'encrypting a message to them. You do not need to specify a publ' + 'ic key for decryption, PGP will automatically search ' 'your Secret keyring for a valid secret key and prompt you for yo' + 'ur pass phrase to decrypt. Always be sure to protect your ' 'pass phrase and secret key DO NOT GIVE EITHER TO ANYONE!!!' '' '' 'Signing a message with PowerPGP. - This is exactly the same as ' + 'encrypting except you use the Sign button instead of ' 'the encrypt and PGP will ask you for your pass phrase to verify ' + 'it is really you signing the message. Note. PowerPGP ' 'automatically uses the CLEARSIG method for signatures. This meth' + 'od signs the message but leaves the message text ' 'readable. This is so the person you are sending the message to ' + 'can verify that you are the one who actually send the ' 'message and that the message has not been altered. Anyone can re' + 'ad it and anyone with your public key can verify it. ' 'This is mostly an authentication method.' '' '' 'Signing & Encrypting a message with PowerPGP. - This is exactly' + ' the same as encrypting except you use the ' 'Sign/Encrypt button instead of the encrypt and PGP will ask you ' + 'for your pass phrase to verify it is really you signing the ' 'message. This method does NOT use CLEARSIG, obviously since it ' + 'is encrypting the message. Only the person you ' 'are sending it to can read it and verify you sent it, this is fo' + 'r both security and authentication.' '' '' '' '' '' 'I believe all the other features of PowerPGP are self-explanator' + 'y if you read the PGP documentation. It is really much ' 'simpler than it sounds. Yes it'#39's a few extra steps to ensure yo' + 'ur privacy but isn'#39't it worth it? Would you send all you ' 'personal postal mail without an envelope? Of course not so why n' + 'ot put your e-mail in a digital envelope?' '' 'Technical information (READ THIS!!!)' '' 'Windows 95 users: Make sure that you have set the properties fo' + 'r the DOS PGP program in the explorer as follows. On ' 'the program tab of the properties box make sure that the window ' + 'title is "PGP" without the quotes. On the same tab ' 'make sure the "Close on exit" box is checked. Now go to the Misc' + '. tab and make sure the Background selection that ' 'says "always suspend" is not, I repeat is NOT checked. If these' + ' options are not set properly PowerPGP will not function ' 'properly. ' '' 'Windows 3.1x Users: Windows 3.1x users should also make sure tha' + 't the corresponding settings are properly set in their ' '_default.pif file. Or in any PIF file they have associated with' + ' PGP because if their is a PIF windows will run it'#39's ' 'parameters when it runs the EXE. If you do have a specific PIF f' + 'ile for PGP (you don'#39't normally need one) make sure the ' 'Window Title is set to "PGP" without the quotes. Do not make thi' + 's setting in your _default.pif, this is ONLY if you have a ' 'specific PIF file for PGP. ' '' 'MSmail: Msmail has this nasty little habit of adding a space bef' + 'ore the dashes "-" when displaying the PGP encrypted ' 'message. Why I don'#39't know I guess they would rather show you the' + 'ir interpretation of the message rather than what was ' 'actually sent. Microsoft Exchange that ships with Windows 95 doe' + 's not exhibit this problem even with mail sent from ' 'Msmail. When a message was copied to PowerPGP from Msmail you w' + 'ill need to remove that extra little space they ' 'added manually. Don'#39't blame me I didn'#39't write Msmail.' '' 'Why does the Window Title have to be PGP for both? Well the answ' + 'er is quite simple... When encrypting a message ' 'PowerPGP shells to the DOS PGP program to do the real work, when' + ' it does it creates a windows that must be titled ' 'PGP because the PowerPGP program is looking for a window by that' + ' name to close so it knows PGP is done with it'#39's ' 'work and PowerPGP can now import the results. If the window is ' + 'not named properly then it will think the window is ' 'closed immediately and try to import the results since their are' + ' none yet it will fail. This may not be the best example of ' 'programming possible but what they hay, what do you expect for F' + 'REE.' '' 'Extremely Long Pass Phrases and Paths to the PGP file may cause ' + 'problems with PowerPGP. This is because the ' 'maximum number of characters that can be sent directly to DOS fo' + 'rm Windows is 128 whereas if you were at the DOS ' 'prompt you can use 256. When PowerPGP builds the command string' + ' to send to PGP if it excededs 128 Characters ' 'you will get some message saying something about unable to find ' + 'a key for someone with their name chopped off and ' 'the PGP executable path attached to the end. If this happens yo' + 'u overran the 128 character limit. To help prevent this ' 'some things you can do are:' '' '1. Keep the path to PGP a simple one such as C:\PGP rather than ' + 'something like ' 'C:\WINDOWS\ENCRYPT\EMAIL\PGP this is an easy solution and presen' + 't no security risk.' '' '2. If your Pass Phrase is long it too can be a problem, the easi' + 'est solution to this is to tell PowerPGP you want to tell your ' 'pass phrase directly to PGP each time you decrypt a message. Th' + 'is will prevent your pass phrase from being included in ' 'the command line and thus shorten it quite a bit. This in fact ' + 'is not only not a security risk but quite the opposite.' '' '3. Long username keys can also be a cause to exceed the 128 cha' + 'racter limit, however you will find that either one or ' 'both of the above fixes will allow almost any Public Key Name. ' + 'The only fix if you have tried both of the above and this ' 'still happens it to use a shorter public key name. (Edit it you' + 'rself in the field). You can also edit the list of users yourse' + 'lf ' 'in the PowerPGP.USR file in your PGP directory so that you do no' + 't need to edit the name every time. for the long ones ' 'you can edit the key and leave only the first and last name for ' + 'that individual and it will work fine. This would be a last ' 'resort.' '' 'I could write a batch file and execute it like other programs do' + ' then there is only the 256 character limit of DOS, ' 'however, this leaves a little to be desired if you want to use t' + 'he option of sending the pass phrase to PGP. Obviously ' 'you would not want to write your pass phraseinto a batch file ev' + 'en if it was deleted when it was done being used, this ' 'would be a huge security breach. I cannot stress enough that fo' + 'r most people none of these options will be required ' 'and if any the first will solve almost all problems.' '' 'NOTE: These same symptoms can happen with encrypting (ASCII ARMO' + 'Ring) a file, the simplest solution in that case is ' 'to move the file to a directory right off the root such as C:\TE' + 'MP and try encrypting it again, files are easy to do this with ' 'since you can typically move them at will.' '' '' 'New Features Since 1.00 (1.00 to 1.20)' '' 'AutoSave: PowerPGP will autosave the message you are working on' + ' once a minute in the background. If you are ' 'working on a message when you exit PowerPGP it will automaticall' + 'y reload that message when PowerPGP is restarted. ' 'Some people may consider this a security breach while other will' + ' like the feature so for those that want to disable the ' 'feature run PowerPGP with the d switch as so "PowePGP.EXE d" wit' + 'hout the quotes of course.' '' 'Save Message: PowerPGP will now save a message to a file if you' + ' wish. This is so you can write several encrypted ' 'messages off-line and then log on and send them. If you want to' + ' come back to the message and read it yourself later it ' 'is recommended that you encrypt it with your own public key befo' + 're you save it then when you reload it you will be able ' 'to decrypt it and edit it then re-encrypt it with the recipients' + ' key and send it. Of course you can save a message that ' 'isn'#39't encrypted but that is most definitely NOT recommended.' '' 'Resizability: The Form is now resizable so you can change the s' + 'ize of your message editor to your liking. There is a ' 'minimum size however the form will not get smaller than a certai' + 'n amount.' '' 'Fonts: There have been problems with certain keyboard sets wit' + 'h the built in fonts of the previous version so now you ' 'can pick your own from your favorite from your own system. Keep' + ' in mind that the message is encrypted as text the ' 'recipient will not see the font you used to enter the message wi' + 'th it is simply for you to be able to pick the font you find ' 'the most readable. I recommend Terminal, MS Sans Serif, or Aria' + 'l but the choice is yours.' '' 'Pull Down list of PUBRING.PGP names: Instead of manually typing' + ' in the name of every person you send mail to there ' 'is now the option to run the DOS Program PGPUSR.EXE in your PGP ' + 'directory. This program will make a list of the ' 'names in your Public Key file for PowerPGP to use. This way you' + ' can just scroll down to who you want to encrypt mail ' 'to rather than doing all the typing and worrying about misspelli' + 'ngs. There is also the option under the Key Management ' 'menu to "Update Public Keyring List" this will run PGPUSR for yo' + 'u but the changes will not take effect until you close ' 'PowerPGP and rerun it. You should update this list everytime yo' + 'u add or remove a key from your Public Keyring. ' 'PowerPGP will also automatically run PGPUSR when you add or remo' + 've keys from your public keyring from within ' 'PowerPGP.' '' 'New Quoting Method: Instead of using the ">" method of quoting ' + 'PowerPGP now places the message below the ' 'current message and places the text "-------- REPLY, Original me' + 'ssage follows --------" before the quoted text and "-------- ' 'REPLY, End of original message --------" after. This method was' + ' necessary since the for is now resizable and there will ' 'be a different number of characters in different peoples editors' + '. The only other option was to impose a line character ' 'limit but I would rather leave that up to individual taste and i' + 'ndividual mailers. If they didn'#39't match the result would be a ' 'mess so this was the only logical method for me to use.' '' 'Printing: You can now print out your messages.' '' 'New Features 1.20 to 1.23' '' 'Remember Pass Phrase: PowerPGP will now remember your pass phra' + 'se if you choose. Unless you tell it other wise ' 'PowerPGP will only ask you for your pass phrase once per session' + ' (each time you run it) after that it will remember it and ' 'send the pass phrase to PGP automatically. This is much more con' + 'venient when reading and signing many mail ' 'messages, however it does represent some potential for a securit' + 'y breach since an experienced attacker "might" be ' 'able to analyze your swap file and find your key. It is a minim' + 'al risk in most cases but nonetheless it is a risk. It is for t' + 'hat ' 'reason you will also see a checkbox when the program asks for yo' + 'ur passphrase where you can choose to tell your pass ' 'phrase directly to PowerPGP each time, the choice is yours.' '' 'Signature: PowerPGP will now allow for a text signature much li' + 'ke the signature most mail clients automatically add to ' 'your E-mail. This is handy if you want your signature to be add' + 'ed BEFORE your message is encrypted also it is a good ' 'place to put your public key so anyone you send mail to automati' + 'cally gets your Public Key. If you leave the signature ' 'blank PowerPGP adds nothing, the self promotional tags it used t' + 'o add are gone.' '' 'New Features Since 1.23 to 1.32' '' 'Fixed Line Length: PowerPGP will now Fix the word-wrap at 65 ch' + 'aracters or less when signing and/or encrypting a ' 'message. This will fix problems with some programs that added t' + 'heir own line feed characters to messages that had ' 'longer lined after they were signed causing the signature to fai' + 'l verification.' '' 'Toolbar: A toolbar has been added to make accessing some of the' + ' functions a little easier. The right-click popup menu ' 'has been modified to include the encrypt/ decrypt optons.' '' 'No More Minimized Windows: PowerPGP will now display all window' + 's in a normal screen. Showing certain ones as ' 'minimized seemed to be a bit of a convenience but it also made i' + 't harder to see some of the prompts etc. that were ' 'issued by PGP itself. Showing the window in normal mode is sim' + 'ply more practical.' '' 'New Features Since 1.32 to 1.33' '' 'Paste/Decrypt Option Added: There is now a button to paste and ' + 'decrypt in one shot. Makes life just the tiniest bit ' 'easier for users.' '' 'PGP Help File Added: The PGPW.HLP file is now included with Pow' + 'erPGP and can be called from the Help menu. ' 'Please keep in mind that this is a help file for PGP itself and ' + 'not PowerPGP. I would like to thank Jeff Sheets ' '(Xanthur@aol.com) for his permission to distribute the help file' + ' that he wrote.' '' '' 'New Features Since 1.33 to 1.34' '' 'Command Length Optimization: Since many users were having probl' + 'ems with the command lengths exceeding 128 ' 'characters, some steps were taken to reduce the coimmand length ' + 'wherever possible. Keep in mind if you are still ' 'having problems encrypting or decrypting (especially decrypting)' + ' where it looks like the command has wrapped around ' 'on itself, this is caused by the command line length being longe' + 'r than 128 characters. To prevent this you can try ' 'moving your PGP files to a directory closer to the root such as ' + 'C:\PGP and if this still doesn'#39't help tell the pass phrase ' 'dialog you want to tell your pass phrase directly to PGP. This ' + 'will shorten the command by the length of your pass ' 'phrase and thus fix your problem. I am sorry about this limitat' + 'ion it'#39's the Windows API, not me.' '' 'PowerPGP Help Added: This document has been compiled into Power' + 'PGP.' '' '' 'Contacting the Author:' '' 'If you have read this and the PGP manual and would like more hel' + 'p on PowerPGP or you have a bug report you can ' 'contact me at:' '' 'Internet:' #9'joe@feenin.roc.servtech.com' #9'joe@servtech.com' '' 'Or via snail mail to:' '' #9'Joe Feenin' #9'236 Flower City Park' #9'Rochester, New York 14615' '' 'There usenet newsgroups on the subject of PGP and many fine arti' + 'cles about it I recommend reading a few. ') ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 4 Top = 368 Width = 585 Height = 29 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = BitBtn1Click Kind = bkClose end end